Equipping Classes

What are Equipping Classes?

Equipping Classes are Bible study classes designed to help you grow in your relationship with God. Our classes meet before worship from 9:45-10:45am. Some of our classes go straight through books of the Bible. Others are focused topics and themes from Scripture that help believers grow in their faith. There is a class for you at Calvary!

Our Classes

Equipping Classes are subject-driven and content-focused courses. Our classes offer various levels of instruction on books of the Bible, theology, and biblical application in various areas of life.

Current class: “What Makes a Healthy Church” with Todd Wheeler and Pastor Andrew in the Fellowship Hall

Equipping Classes

Our older adult classes enjoy studying from quarterly curriculum offered by Lifeway. There is one class for older ladies and one class for older men.

Current class: “The Heart of Worship”

Legacy Classes

Kids Classes

Our children are learning the big story of the Bible using Kevin DeYoung’s The Biggest Story curriculum.

Sign up for an Equipping Class

Check out the “Groups” page on Church Center to register for an EC